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10 min read

How (and When) to Consult Your Financial Advisor About Turnkey Real Estate

We’ve all seen certain assets and investments go in and out of fashion.


13 min read

The Fundamentals of Rental Property ROI

No matter what assets you invest in, your return on investment (ROI) is the metric...

13 min read

The Investor’s Quick Guide to Real Estate Financing Options

Before you can start generating rental income from your latest property...



1 min read

Walk Through a Recently Renovated Memphis SFR!

Real investment value in a city like Memphis comes from the city itself and the...

1 min read

It's Never Been Easier to Shop for REI Nation SFRs!

REI Nation is now making it even easier to be a remote, passive real estate investor.

2 min read

Our BTR Properties: Built, Rented, & Ready for Investors Like You!

You may know that REI Nation specializes in single-family investment properties, but...



4 min read

Beyond Cash Flow: Focusing on Long-Term Real Estate Value

Global Banking & Finance Review | Jun 25, 2024 

Beyond Cash Flow: Focusing on...

4 min read

Calculating the True Return on Investment for Rental Properties

Disrupt Magazine | Jun 4, 2024 

Real estate is one of the best long-term investments...

4 min read

Long-Distance Landlording: Overcoming the Challenges of Out-of-State Investing

Realty Today | Apr 17, 2024 

Investing in rental properties outside of your local...



3 min read

What Makes a Housing Market Riskier Than Others?

As the real estate market cools and potentially slides into a downturn (which is...

4 min read

3 Ways the Post-Pandemic Real Estate Market is Changing

2020 turned the real estate market as we know it on its head. While the fundamental...

3 min read

6 Ways to Take the Speculation Out of Real Estate Investment

By nature, real estate investing isn’t a particularly speculative investment. While...



1 min read

Live Q&A, Rental Updates, New Market Updates, & More

In this weeks Experience Matters Live, Chris Clothier answers your questions in...

1 min read

2021 Trends, Outside Markets, & More

In a live Q&A, Chris discusses the impact of COVID-19 and new trends emerging in...

1 min read

2021 Real Estate Market Strategy With Brett Clothier

Chris and Brett Clothier take a deep dive on REI Nations' 8 Markets, revealing...


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